

The info below is just a stub for the design phase, therefore it is subject to changes. It is mostly used as a requirements doc at the moment, so don’t trust it too much...

Available settings

Here’s a full list of all available settings, and their default values.


Default: Not defined.

As specified in the django docs, the site-specific user profile model used by your site.

For a sample application, you can use ...

Is this strictly needed???


Default: False

Disables the registered signal that tries to initialize a blank profile when an WebIDUser is created.


Default: None.

Custom function that gets called for initializing a blank profile. It gets user passed as keyword argument.


Default: None

This function is called during the cert creation process, in order to gather the info needed to write the final WebID URI that will go in the subjectAltName field in the certificate.

  • The callback function is called with the WebIDUser instance as the only argument.
  • Callback should return the final string
  • Note: several URIS still not implemented.
  • If you do not specify a callback, the certificate constructor will try to reverse a view named webidprovider-webiduri.

Note that your callback DOES NOT need to prepend the “URI:” prefix; it gets added to it.


Default: False

This might not be needed finally if we delegate that responsibility to the WEBIDAUTH_WEBIDURI_CALLBACK, but I thought it could simplify things a little bit (specially if we are using the webid profile pattern that we pack with django-webid-provider). Could be bool, or could be (‘no’, ‘optional’, ‘force’) options:

Now: False for http or True for https.

The following not implemented yet:

Might work as a switch, for reusing the same webidauth callback (it interacts with that one in the sense that it is called from inside there, or it modifies / double checks its output.


(not implemented yet)

Default: True

Tells if a new user should be created without further restrictions when using the webid user registration forms. Here we have to specify more options:

  • Create user with no usable passoword (it will only allow webidlogins)
  • Create user with usable password during the WebIDUser creation process.
  • Ony allow WebID profile and cert creation for pre-existing users.


(not implemented)

Maybe we do not need the “webidprovider” bit and we can use some of the django-profile settings...

If True, it will need a confirmation token sent by email before activating the WebID User.